What's cooking in the kitchen of love?

Blog posts are supposed to be weekly! If I don't post, kick me in the ribs until I move!

4/7/24 - Three times in a row, it must be spoken unbroken!

    So, here's the current breakdown on what I'm working on:

    I have the script for the Mod Eater comic under it's final rewrite. It's taking work, but it's coming together. I also have a naughty story that's close to being finished, I just need to figure out how to end it.

    Now that I'm done with the pony tf2 image, I've got some smaller art pieces I'd like to do, both based off games I've been playing recently. I'm also working on a fun TF sequence that I sketched back in January and am finally pushing through production!

    And finally, this last week I got to see BEETLEJUICE, the musical! On it's tour! I never thought it would play anywhere near me, and the seats were nearly sold out! Man, it was so much fun. I'm deeply delighted that I got to see it.

    Anyway, I have some thoughts about it that I think could make a nice light little essay. I'll have to see what comes together. I should also write the Scott Pilgrim one.

    A little curt, I realize, but I'm currently a lil bit out of it, and feeling determined to tackle these projects until they're all knocked down and ready for public viewing! I'm all fired up, so I'm bad at writing. Also I am maybe still slightly high.

- Dr. Z ~oxoxo

3/22/24 - Hazbin Hotel has made me a better writer

   Orf, I've been busy, I swear!

   I've been working on finishing this damn pony art, and I've been working on that Mod Eater comic I mentioned... the fun thing with Mod Eater is that it's finally hit a point on the backend where the pieces feel truly useable? Vix, Varrik, Cap, Lumina, and the guide all finally kinda make sense in my head. And on top of that, I can finally draw Vix consistently for the first time since creating her. Things are looking very good for Mod Eater, and I think everyone will really like this comic once I have it done.

   If you're wondering where part of the secret sauce to this writing revolution comes from... it's because my brother and I watched Hazbin Hotel, and we were utterly crushed under a massive volume of problems. We had big gripes! We had petty niggles! But at the core, the show was just badly fucking written on a basic script construction level, and the process of watching it, complaining about it to each other, and analyzing it deeply has genuinely led to me to level up several times. My writing stat got a big boost purely from how much I didn't like this damn show.

   I'm actually plotting to do a video about it... not just about how much I didn't like it, that would be masturbatory and offer nothing to the world, but instead a video where I do some english-class-ass analysis of it. I'd also like to do a similar video for Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, a show that I REALLY liked, because it's grasp of it's thematic and narrative elements meant it was wonderfully written and super well constructed as a story.

   So once again, there's a lot of great stuff in the pipeline, but I haven't got much to show at the moment. Oops!

- Dr. Z ~oxoxo

2/24/24 - Donkey kong 64 101%

Comin atcha~! It's the new, the supreme, totally Groovy... ZEEPLEX NEWS ALERT~!

What is this studio

Did you import this model from splatoon

   Hey everybody, Z here! I don't rightly know what to talk about this post... so I guess I'll just kinda run through the art projects I'm currently working on.

   First of all: I'm working on a Mod Eater thing! It's a comic where Vix and Varrik fight a monster. Simple. but writing and laying it out has been excellent art practice so far! I think it'll come out very cool.

   I've also got some horny stuff I'm working on. There's a story I've got half written, and a variety of TF sequences that I want to draw but am... not. cause I've been too busy drawing Vix and playing donkey kong.

   Oh, and that Ryuutama expansion I did guest art for is out now! You can check it out here!

   It's a scant week, but I haven't got much to report. Everything is just kind of chugging along. I'm looking forward to Emerald City Comic Con though!

- Dr. Z ~oxoxo

2/10/24 - Go monkey go

   Cripes what a time it's been. My mom has been to the hospital and is now back home, slowly recovering from surgery. Let me tell you, the fear when someone has to get driven to the emergency room is palpable. I'm so glad she doesn't have cancer or some other life-course-diverting bullshit.

   As for what I've been up to, I've done a bit of art, worked on the site a bit... it's been a little slow for me, but I'm working through some stuff. If you check the art gallery you'll see the result of me being hooked hard on Neopets! I don't know how much I plan to do with the Neovian Bad Taste Society, but I like the idea of them, and that art was fun practice regardless. I also did some other character design work recently~! Please make welcome to the stage... the websites new mascots!

   These two are Starcy and Mopebot. You can guess which is which. What's noteworthy about these two is that they're actually both from very old art pieces of mine!

   I reached deep into the OC crypt, looking specifically for characters who I liked, but was unlikely to use again seriously... and so Starcy and Mopebot here have been revived from their cryo tubes, and granted the role of stewarding this site~! I have a lot of cute little pics I want to draw for stuff like the music page that will use them... but why don't I go a step further and allow them to introduce themselves?


Uh... Oregon?

No, like, what they say in Japanese.

That's "Ohayo".

Are you correcting my spelling in an interview!? That's so embarrassing! Can we strike that from the transcript?!

This is like literally nothing but transcript. I don't think that camera is on.

Kyaaaa! No way! And I went to all the trouble to put this outfit together too! ;3; Ultimately un-fresh!

Hi. Ignore her. My name is Mopebot. I enjoy sweets, fanfiction, and techno.

And she plays the keyboard!

I do not play the keyboard.

What?! But what about our pop-duo stardom!? Every dream I have is being crushed today!

The dingbat with me is

Starsette re-mix Vavavoom~! DJ sensation and secret crime-fighter! Both under my secret alias of Princess Intergalactic Tastydish~! I like spicy food, arcade games, and all kinds of music!

Girl that is... so much. And is it really a secret identity if you tell everyone about it?

Well of course it's a lot! I got to write it myself! Part of the Doctor's payment for putting us in charge of maintaining her site! Don't tell me you wrote something boring!

I did.

Reaaaaallly? Lemme see!

No! Hands off my backstory! Doc, help!

Woah, Mopey, this is awesome!

Give it back!

Check it: She was built by an evil scientist who tried to build robots to take over the world, and fueled them with mean internet comments! But all the robots were too depressed to conquer anything, so now they all use their negativity for good and justice by using it to dissect work analytically! She's like, a critic superhero! That's so cool!

No it's not! Its stupid! Negativity doesn't lead to worthwhile art growth... and my reviews aren't criticism, they're just mean. Worthwhile criticism has something to add, some way to help push the artist further. Just laying into something people like isn't helpful, even if that thing is total horseturd souffle.

wow, she's good! She can critique her own critical process! That seems like an easy loop to get stuck in though...

... Sorry, you're right. I... I do care. I do write to inspire better. Even out of myself. Thank you.

Awwwwww, Mopey! C'mere!

Ack! Woah! Alien hugalanche!

   Hehehe. Thanks you two. Here's hoping we have a good time here on the site. I'm glad I was able to rescue the pair of them from the art heap. If you couldn't tell, the two of them carry a lot of the things that make me happiest, but split between them. Starcy is all of the fun one can have when interacting with other people, and Mopey is all the fun one can have relaxing by onesself. The duality of joy, yknow?

   This months goal is to get my voice Acting reel made! After years of putting the damn thing off, I'm finally going to do it. If I get cast in anything, I'll be sure to post about it here!

- Dr. Z ~oxoxo

1/29/24 - Website, am I right?

   So, a website. This was my big project for january, although the end of the month doesn't mean I'm going to stop working on it. On the contrary, I find I actually have more things on my to-do docket for the site now than I did at the start of the month! I've got loads of cute little details I want to add to pages, art I need to draw, and pages I know I can format better than their current state.

   It's been really interesting learning how to do all this, and even if my site looks crude in some ways (and even cruder in the code under the hood, if I showed this to someone who knows what they're doing they'd burst into flame) I'm still pretty proud of what I've managed so far. The most interesting thing is feeling a strong sense of security. After watching every major website become a more and more untrustworthy place for storing my work and online presence, it feels nice to have a place that I know I can put everything.

   I'll be talking more about the process of the site, showing off the assets, and talking about my vibe inspirations soon on the page in the projects archive, but at time of writing it isn't up yet. There's a lot of places like that that need expansion. I think my greastest grief is my continual frustration with not knowing how I want to lay things out. I followed my design inclinations from the concept art I drew at the beginning, but I find myself unsure of that design every time I look at other neocities sites and find them both far more elegantly simple, and much more information dense at the same time.

   As it stands, I may already have to pry up some of the navbar at the top and swap it around. I followed my original concept art, but that original concept art was, well, my assumptions of what I would need. The Projects page is the one I find myself reaching for instinctually and not finding, so it may get promoted.

   Overall, it's been an uneventful month, but that's fine by me. Processing my Byronic emotional turmoil is hard! And I really need to start getting myself out of the house more. Or I need to start doing stuff in the house that lets me talk to more people. I've stagnated socially after a strong run of connections last year, and I've sworn this is the year where I make overhauls to how I live, so that stagnation is unacceptable! I gotta get my shit movin!

   But hey, I'm doing just that, aren't I? This whole site is proof to that! Here's to a lovely February, eh? I've already got a bit of an idea of what I'm going to be doing for the next major project (if you can really call it that), but February will undoubtedly continue to see improvements to this site. After all, it's my brand new mobile-command fortress with which to lay siege to my hated enemies! Just what every villainous girl wants~! It's even got pink accents, and doors that open, and storage for all my accessories!

- Dr. Z ~oxoxo