The most incredible comic ever made by human hands

(Better format and character bios coming soon)

This is my favorite art I've ever made.

This is a comic I started drawing back in 2020. It is heavily influenced by a work called Crash Bandicoot Retold, created by SuperSaiyanCrash on Deviantart. Crash Bandicoot Retold is a huge influence on me, because it is a work of pure and complete passion on the part of it's author. CBR has absolutely no limitation on it, wether that limitation be physics or sense. It is entirely unfettered in its purity of vision, and I find that incredibly inspiring.

So here's Spooky Tales From the Underside Down (named, of course, in a pastiche of classic webcomic Grimm Tales From Down Below). New pages of this are quite rare, but they're fast to make and I greatly enjoy crafting them, so I never really plan to stop updating it permanently.

You may wonder, what on earth is the value of this? And my answer is that Underside Down is a very vitalizing creative exercise. Each page must be produced in one sitting, typically being drawn as fast as possible, even when being drawn with the mouse. I'm not allowed to overthink the plot, nor fuss over the quality of the art, and I have to try to end each page with something funny. It is the most violently expedient version of my creative process possible, relying on stream of conciousness and cheap funnypoints. As a result, it's some of my best work, simply because it forcibly rockets from my brain to my arm with no possibility of production issues. It's garbage on purpose, so my internal standards can't slow it down.

Please enjoy.